A stylish, sexy, futuristic and conceptual CD label based in Tokyo

音楽のコンセプトは近未来的サウンド。自然とテクノロジー、伝統と現代、 通俗とエレガンスという対立する要素とあらゆる異質の文化をミックスさせたサウンド

完全に自由な表現としてのアバンギャルドを Geisha Farm は愛しています

 Geisha Farmはサウンドをヴィジュアル化したものがCDと考えています



The musical concept is aimed at the near future.

In our pursuit of mixing two conflicting elements - nature and  technology, traditional and modern, vulgar and elegant, our love for the complete freedom of expression makes who we are.  

For Geisha Farm, the CD cover design is a visualization of sound. We attach great importance to the presentation.



Geisha Farm / Monroe Street Music (2003〜2006)

CD & Streaming, Download


NEW! Flash Point_1 is launched in July 21,2024 (2024.7.15)

Flash Point_2 is launched in January 26,2024

 Transition on Apple Music, Spotify, etc..November 17,2023 

Playing in the Dark on Spotify, Apple Music (Apple Digital Masters),etc..November 11,2023 

Cabaret - Kurt Weill to William Duckworth - on Apple Music, Spotify, etc..November 3,2023 




Geisha FarmのCDはTower Record, Amazon 他で取り扱い中


Geisha Farm ( 2008〜)

 Digital Album EGOIST is newly launched in February 11,2024 Includes a live performance of the premiere of Scott Johnson's “Jet Lag Lounge”  

 Digital Album Serious = Japanese is newly launched in February 2,2024 



矢沢朋子「シリアス = ジャパニーズ」 GF003


Digital Albums - デジタルアルバム 

Pure classical contemporary piano music. Serious and academic music.

Program & Rec.info (PDF) English


Program Notes & 録音クレジット(PDF)





 Digital Albums - デジタルアルバム

Super-technical contemporary piano music.The sound of the utmost in technical skill in both composition and performance.

Program & Rec.info (PDF) English


Program Notes & 録音クレジット(PDF)


GF001 ( CD & Streaming, Download, Hi-Res-Audio )

Hi-Res-Audio →  e-onkyo music





GF002  ( CD & Streaming, download, Hi-Res-Audio )

Hi-Res-Audio →  e-onkyo music, レコチョク, dミュージック, music.jp



From the world premiere recording of "Untitled" for piano and electronics written for Yazawa by Johan Johansson, to the one-man piano multiple recording of Radiohead's "Kid A," to the contemporary music milestones of Ligeti and Nono, to minimal music. This stylish piano album is a compilation of Yazawa's world.


ヨハン・ヨハンソンが矢沢のために書き下ろしたピアノとエレクトロニクスためのオーガニックに心地よい《Untitled》世界初録音、一人ピアノ多重録音:レディオヘッドの《Kid A》、現代音楽の金字塔リゲティとノーノ、ミニマルミュージックまで。矢沢ワールドを集大成したスタイリッシュなピアノ・アルバム